The Oil of the Inner Child

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The empowerment of Ylang Ylang!
Ylang Ylang’s benefits:
Provides antioxidant support*
Promotes appearance of healthy skin and hair
Lifts mood while having a calming effect
Reconnects individuals with the inner child and the pure, simple ways of the heart.***
Encourages play and restores a childlike nature of innocence.***
Assists individuals in releasing bottled-up emotions such as anger and sadness.***
Ylang Ylang’s uses:
Put Ylang Ylang into an Epsom Salt bath for relaxation.
Refresh your skin with an aromatherapy steam facial using Ylang Ylang essential oil.
Put on your wrists for a sweet, floral perfume.
Add Ylang Ylang to Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deep hair conditioner.
Take internally for antioxidant support.*
Aromatic Description
Sweet, rich, spicy
Find more information on Ylang Ylang Essential Oil - click here.
Gina’s favorite use: It’s my go-to aphrodisiac oil.
Janet’s favorite use: I love the smell of it...I use it in several of my spray blends to bring more play to my life and creativity.
Say Goodbye
Goodbye to feelings of Joyless, stressed, over-analyzing, sad, disconnected, from inner child.
Say Hello
Hello to feeling playful, free, intuitive, emotionally connected, healing, joyful, innocent.
How To Get Your Hands On A Bottle Of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
During the month of January, We are GIVING AWAY a FREE 15 ml bottle of dōTERRA Ylang Ylang Essential Oil to anyone who orders a Natural Solutions Kit and enrolls as a Wellness Advocate through me (Janet will be your enroller). BONUS: Anyone who orders a Natural Solutions Kit through me will also receive a welcome package from me including an essential oils reference book. Available to U.S. residents only.
Ready to get started? Order your oils HERE.
Libations of the day
7 drops dōTERRA Geranium Essential Oil
6 drops dōTERRA Lavender Essential Oil
2 drops dōTERRA Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
1 drop dōTERRA Cedarwood Essential Oil
2 drops dōTERRA Frankincense Essential Oil
Mix all your oils in your favorite dōTERRA Diffuser and feel the heat begin to rise.

Janet’s Freedom Connection
1 drop dōTERRA Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
A little ice cream is also fabulous
Stir everything together and enjoy the FREEDOM!

Using oils with intention
Creative Flow Shower
Place one drop of Ylang Ylang in your hand, rub hands together and touch the top of your head, your heart and the top of your pubic bone to connect your mind, heart and creative energy. And you can rub the rest into your hair if you light. Get into the shower, relax and let the water flow. It might be fun if you have some washable markers to jot ideas or sketches that come up while you are in the water.
Creative juices flow when you are in the shower.
The purpose of this shower is to bring in creativity into your life. It’s not to clean yourself. Just let the water wash over you and become present in your body. Don’t do the normal “shower activities”, let your mind and imagination wander. You may set your intention before the shower of what you want a creative solution to or you can just let the shower flow and do the work for you. It might be helpful to have a journal waiting for you to jot down your ideas when you get out of the shower.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*** Source: Emotions and Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing,